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Foundational Texts in Child and Youth Care

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Stages of Child and Youth Care Worker Development

Jack Phelan

Level 1 – The Capable Care-Giver

The basic dynamic that drives this stage is the issue of Safety. This is a fundamental step in professional development that lasts for 12-18 months for the new worker.

The tasks for the Level 1 worker include:

The internal process for the new worker includes:

Supervisory Strategies include:

Level 2 – The Treatment Planner and Change Agent

The challenge of this stage is for the worker to let go of the comfortable skill set that has been so useful in dealing with youth and to learn a new set of skills that will transfer control to the youth. The use of external control to create safety will be reduced and perhaps in some cases eliminated so that the youth can begin to develop the self-control needed to be successful.

The tasks for the Level 2 worker include:

Supervisory Strategies include:

Level 3 – The Creative, Free-Thinking Professional

The worker at this stage has mastered the basic safety and caring skills, and has developed the ability to use relationships and the internal motivation of the youth to create a focus on self-control.

The tasks for the Level 3 worker include:

Supervisory Strategies include:

The International Child and Youth Care Network

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