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Personal views on current Child and Youth Care affairs

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Are private partnerships the answer to the youth services funding crisis?

The scale of the funding crisis faced by those of us working in universal youth services has been highlighted in a recent report by Unison and in the Guardian. Under-investment in young people is a betrayal of future generations and risks adding to the challenges we already face around division, inequality, health, crime, education and employment.

However, Unison’s report also raises questions about the role of the voluntary and private sectors in helping to fund and deliver services. Local authority youth services are not, and never have been, the only answer.

Services delivered by the voluntary sector, and funded in part through donations, have always worked alongside and in partnership with council services, adding diversity, creativity and breadth to the collective offer made to young people.

Across the UK, there are many examples of successful transformations that are overcoming financial constraints and protecting vital youth services. These collaborations enable councils to create effective partnerships with the voluntary and private sectors, while maintaining control over the quality and direction of universal youth services. Supporting the involvement of other sectors opens up new opportunities to create diverse and sustainable funding streams.

Our charity, Onside Youth Zones, has been able to create a network of new youth centres in financially straitened times because our model removes over-reliance on any single source of funding. This philanthropic community partnership allows councils to combine their budgets with private and third sector funding – as well as revenue directly generated via the young people who use the services, who pay 50p each visit.

Their nominal contribution, along with the time donated by hundreds of volunteers, demonstrates the value the community places on the service. This is a true partnership creating a community-wide level of participation and ownership that is vital to long-term success.

Innovation also opens up the opportunity to work with a growing number of philanthropists, corporates and charitable trusts that are looking for ways to improve the health, wellbeing and employability of young people.

Increasingly these supporters are not looking to make passive charitable donations. Instead, many want to make social investments that allow them to play a more active role in supporting their communities.

Far from being a threat to the quality of services, the involvement of private sector supporters brings significant additional value if they are engaged within the right framework.

The Guardian article included a telling quote from Sandra Richardson of Knowsley Youth Mutual: “It’s a really difficult market, and at the end of the day, we’re not businesswomen, we’re youth workers trying to run a business.”

This is where multi-sector collaboration is of huge benefit and our youth zones have flourished thanks in part to the different skill sets that come with diverse involvement. Each centre has a management board made up of individuals from councils and businesses alongside highly experienced youth work professionals. Each brings their own best practice approach in areas such as youth work, marketing, operational management and finance.

Councils maintain a central role in this governance and delivery framework, ensuring the service is always aligned to wider community strategies and linking effectively with other public agencies.

We should be doing more to create and nurture multi-sector collaboration and partnerships. Ultimately, universal youth services need appropriate and resilient approaches if they are to survive and thrive through future economic and political cycles.

Mark Ward

19 August 2016


The International Child and Youth Care Network

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